Support the Saint Rock Haiti Foundation

Ways to Give

Give Today

Make a Donation through our secure donation page.

  • Making a monthly donation to Saint Rock Haiti Foundation, ensures that we can count on your support throughout the year. This gives the organization the stability to plan for the important programs we offer the community like health care, education, clean water, and more.  Click here to sign up.

  • When you give to Saint Rock Haiti Foundation, you are offered the option to give to honor someone or in memory of someone. There is also an option to alert someone of your donation.

  • If you are 70½ Years Old and Older You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as Saint Rock without having to pay income taxes on the money. Gifts of any value $100,000 or less are eligible for this benefit. It is also calleda qualified charitable distribution, or QCD.

    Beginning in the year you turn 73, you can use your gift to satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD).

    You pay no income taxes on the gift. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions.

    Since the gift doesn’t count as income, it can reduce your annual income level. This may help lower your Medicare premiums and decrease the amount of Social Security that is subject to tax.

  • A DONOR-ADVISED FUND, or DAF, is a giving account established at a public charity. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction and then recommend grants from the fund over time.  Donors can contribute to the fund as frequently as they like, and then recommend grants to their favorite charitable organizations whenever it makes sense for them. Popular DAFs include Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving, and Network for Good. Grants from donor-advised funds account for more than 10 percent of all giving in the United States.

  • An easy way to increase your gift to Saint Rock is through your employer’s matching gift program. Thousands of companies offer this benefit to their employees – sometimes doubling or tripling the amount of your gift.

    Top Matching Companies

    You could double the impact of your gift through a matching grant if you work at one of these companies below.

    Abbott Laboratories



    American Express


    Arkwright Foundation




    Bank of America

    Bard Foundation

    Beckton, Dickinson and Co.

    CA Technologies

    Cisco Systems

    Citizens Financial


    Consolidated Natural Gas

    Corning Foundation


    Dun & Bradstreet

    Eaton Vance

    Exxon Mobil


    Fiduciary Trust

    FM Global

    General Electric



    Global Impact

    Goldman Sachs


    Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co.




    Houghton Mifflin


    International Data Group Inc.

    ITC Inc.

    John Hancock

    Johnson & Johnson

    Johnson Foundation

    Juniper Networks

    Little Brown & Co.

    Luce Foundation

    Massachusetts Financial Services


    Merrill Lynch





    National Grid

    New England Business Associates






    Pioneer Investment Management

    Plymouth Rock Assurance


    Proctor & Gamble


    Putnam Investments

    Qualcomm Inc.



    Saint Gobain

    Sanders Inc.


    Spencer Foundation


    State Street

    Sun Life Assurance

    Texas Instruments



    The Baupost Group

    The Boston Company

    The Boston Edison Company

    The Boston Foundation

    The Boston Globe

    The Capital Group

    The Kresge Foundation

    The McGraw-Hill Companies

    The Nellie Mae Education Foundation

    The New York Times

    Thermo Fisher Scientific


    Time Inc.

    Time Warner





    Waters Corporation

    Wellington Management

    World Reach Inc.

  • Good reasons to give stock: When you transfer ownership of securities to Saint Rock Haiti Foundation, you receive a charitable income tax deduction for their full market value, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income, and you incur no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits).

  • When you include the Saint Rock Haiti Foundation in your estate plan, your generosity helps us continue our important work. Thank you for ensuring that the Saint Rock Haiti Foundation will continue into the future. Please contact us for further information.

  • Massachusetts has a new charitable contributions deduction. It’s available to all taxpayers, whether or not you itemize deductions on your federal return. Just keep track of your contributions and report them on the state tax return you file in the first part of 2024. They’ll be deducted from your taxable income. This deduction is universal, and permanent, so you can utilize it every year going forward.

    The deduction is universal—it applies to all Massachusetts taxpayers and includes those who don’t itemize their federal deductions.

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We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. We do not gather personal information, such as names and email addresses from our website, unless provided knowingly by you.  We collect personal information for web transactions, newsletters, emails, and general inquiries, using it only for the intended services.

Personal information is never sold, traded, or rented.